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The Matrix 4 Ressurections trailer breakdown in detail.

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So here's The Matrix 4 trailer breakdown.

The Matrix Universe is a random thing. When this movie was released, it had become the cinematic bible of the whole world, the whole world was crazy about it.

What concept, what action, something as unmatchable as if some revolution has been brought

But well now as The Matrix 4 is about to come. Let's break down the trailer. 

Neo and Trinity are still alive

At the beginning of the trailer, the same story of Red Pill and Blue Pill is seen, but still, the biggest question is how are Neo and Trinity alive.

 So in the opening shot of the trailer, we see an older version of him still alive in the Matrix as Thomas A Anderson who is actually undergoing therapy.

Here's our cyber messiah in the latest version of The Matrix but with only a few faint memories of his past.

In the trailer, we get to see this union of Neo and Trinity in a coffee shop in a short while where both of them are engaged in the same struggle with the question that 'have I seen you anywhere?'

Now here the biggest question is that how Neo and Trinity are still alive?, we saw them dying, the biggest argument that comes out from this is that they have any physical body outside available in their real-life or not and maybe it is also Neo may be sharing his consciousness with an intelligent machine and he may have transferred all his Conscious Ness to the Matrix before he died, but in some shorts of the trailer we get to see Neo's body where he doesn't have eyes, but machines are still making him alive like Superman.

A New Matrix World

Now onwards we see Matrix still looks like a very futuristic and peaceful world and here they have given their green color palette side by side with more emphasis on blue and red.

Now as we know the world of the Matrix that there's a lot of things that are connected and pre-programmed, where everything is happening for some reason. So changing the color palette of the movie is a big deal.

Now as we know that there was a peace treaty that occurred between Mankind and Machines in the original trilogy and Neo and Trinity gave up their lives.

And after that, we get to see a very important short where Neo's face is seen very differently in the mirror which also leads to speculation that Neo and Trinity have hijacked someone else's body like the agents used to do. And further, we see that a police officer's body has been hijacked, which leads to the realization that the Matrix still needs these terminator programs like these agents to keep the peace.

Now we see an even more interesting thing that a person can be brought alive in the real-world pod, here it is not completely confirmed but it may be Trinity.

The machines also know that Neo is a high-value asset and they will need his entire body, not just his brain, to resurge him and so is the title of the Matrix movie The Matrix Resurrection.

New Characters

In the trailer, we get to see many new characters like Neil Patrick Harris who is the therapist of Neo, next we get to see the character of Yahya Abdul Mateen who looks exactly like Young Morpheus, right in the emphasis of the original story. Morpheus gives him the red pill.

Like The Matrix, we get to see the iconic Dojo fight in this too but this time instead of saying 'I know kungfu' Neo says 'you don't know me'.

We can see the character Jessica Henwick in this trailer. Where it is debatable whether she is with Neo or not.

Colour Symbolism of Matrix


After all, when you start paying attention to the color symbolism of this story, you will see that the story turns completely.

Morpheus' avatar dominates Red, he wears red even during Dojo fights, but where Jessica Henwick's character comes in, she always gives Blue an emphasis as a permanent choice represented by her hair. 

Now in the story as we are talking about color symbology, now the color motive of the whole matrix, we get to see in the trailer as if she has kept the color palette of the whole matrix blue, the therapist's glasses are also blue, Morpheus' color selection is red, but unlike this, not much detail has been given about red and blue in the original trilogy of Matrix.

Jonathan Groff's character

So the conclusion is drawn that running away from the Matrix is ​​not a solution because real life is going on inside the Matrix.

Now a little beyond this we also get to see the character of Jonathan Groff, who already knows Matrix, Neo, and keep all the kinds of stuff and information about his past and it is also rumored that he should be the creator of the Matrix, which means that he is a representative architect.

Easter Eggs

But in the teaser itself, we came to know that its mouth is also being closed in the same way as Neo was being tortured with mouth erasing, so it becomes clear that he is a human and also in this trailer we got to see a lot of details and easter eggs from the previous stories. Where again Neo gets to see that black cat emphasis from his original story.

Then comes the most awaited scene of the trailer where Priyanka Chopra who is reading 'Alice in the Wonderland' has an indirect connection to it like she also has some minor information about the Matrix and with this, including its background; The White Rabbit song of 'Jefferson Airplane' is playing and surprisingly Henwick's character hand also has a White Rabbit tattoo which is connected somehow.

Now in a scene of the most interesting question, Why Neo is playing with a plastic duck?

But it can also be a reference to deep computer programming such as rubber duck debugging, where a computer programmer explains his own program line by line in simple terms.

Because as Morpheus said in the first movie itself that the original sense of the Matrix cannot be explained by anyone, which means Neo will have to debug the puzzle of this Matrix in The matrix 4 movie by himself.

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