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Why and How Matrix was created???

Science fiction, mind-blowing philosophy, amazing and memorable action sequences. The Matrix trilogy includes all of this.

The Matrix trilogy had a tremendous start to the 21st century. Whose timeless and future-proof concept made this trilogy a very cult fanbase that's going to be even more after the upcoming The Matrix Resurrection.

But before enjoying the 4th movie of Matrix, why not plenarily understand the concept of the entire Matrix so that the fun of watching this movie will increment manifold.

If you want to know Why and How Matrix was created? when and where was the Matrix started? Why did The Oracle support humans? What happened to Morpheus?

So this article we are going to talk about the origin, history, and timeline of The Matrix.

Machines Vs Humans

We got to see the origin of The Matrix in an anime movie called The Animatrix which was released in 2003 after Matrix Reloaded.

The Story of Matrix started when humans at the start of the 21st century, created an A.I., which started a whole race of sentient machines and this artificial intelligence created a self-aware species of robots.

By the coming of the year 2099, the machines themselves had taken the responsibility of all heavy lifting of the humans, where they used to work for the humans like laborers and servants.

Now as the machines have their own intelligence, this is the reason for their opposition and this protest starts with a house servant robot named B-66ER which listens to its owner that he is going to dismantle it. 

B1-66ER kills his owner as he felt threatened for his life and he claims that he did it in his self-defense and he should have all the rights like a living being.

But humans completely reject his point of view and stop manufacturing it by completely discontinuing his model and his product line. 

Few humans support machines against this decision, but still, humans and government start destroying sentient machines.

Machines after this massacre gathered in Mesopotamia and here they make their own country named 0101 Coexisted around humans for many years and the science and technology of this country is far ahead of humans

01 starts manufacturing its futuristic technology and sells around the world and 01's both economy and defense grow strong and dominating.

All these things start to hurt and jealousy among humans, despite this 01 extends a hand of friendship to humans and sends their representatives to join itself in the United Nations.

Humans are against this thing and without thinking anything, they attacked 01 with nuclear weapons, due to which a huge fight breaks out between humans and machines.

Where humans block 01's main energy source by covering the sun by operation "Dark Storm" and there is darkness all over the world, due to which all kinds of plants and animals in the world were almost finished.

After that humans had no way left, they surrendered themselves in front of the machines on the year 2199.

Creation of The Matrix(Why and How Matrix was created?)

Now here the war between humans and machines is over, but due to lack of energy source
machines use the human body's Bio Electricity as a primary source of Energy. Also, the brains of humans were helpful in the processing of machines.

Machines Create a program named The Architect, which creates a virtual reality of sustained suspended animation named The Matrix

But the architect does not get success here at first because here The Architect creates such a matrix which was literally heaven in which humans did not have to face any problem, no trouble, no sorrow, nor any kind of suffering.

But as a human being is a curious creature, many humans came out of this matrix on their own and this Matrix is ​​ruined and nowhere the architect made his second attempt, he did the exact opposite of this time and this Matrix contains only sorrow, pain, suffering, ghosts, demons exactly like hell and once again the human mind can not bear these things and this Matrix was ​​also ruined.

The Third time Machines create a new program to understand the humans' named The Oracle.

The Oracle begins to understand humans and she suggests that nothing can be imposed on humans and they will remain distracted until they believe that they are living their lives on their own terms and that for themselves. Humans make all their choices themselves, even if those choices are subconsciously fitted in their minds.

This was the reason that The Oracle already knew all the future decisions and actions of every human being. 

Eventually, Oracle and Architect together created a new Matrix, based on real-world of Humans in the 90s.

Of course, this Matrix wasn't a perfect Matrix but this time The Oracle and The Architect work together to fix all these shortcomings for which all the anomalies are gathered together to put inside a random person born in The Matrix. Who eventually known as The One.

The One and His purpose

In The Matrix Trilogy, Neo was not only The One but there were also exactly five more The Ones before Neo.

Actually, as The Architect and oracle take out all the anomalies of The Matrix and put it inside the mind of a random human and this process repeats every hundred years for the creation of The One.
Where The One has to follow the path of the one, which leads him to The Architect.

Then The Architect gives The One, the option of either saving 23 humans(16 Womes, and 7 men) or destroys all humans.

But here Neo rejects, the offer of saving 23 Zions because he was in love with Trinity, and he chooses to save her. Amid this machines starts a war against Humans of Zion.

Neo and The machines come to a truce of defeating the virus of Agent Smith. In return, The Architect agrees to free humans who want out of The Matrix. 

The Story After The Matrix Trilogy

After the events of Neo and Agent Smith, The Architect keeps his promise and issues the Redpills inside The Matrix, and as a result, within a day, many thousands of people left the Matrix.

But here Morpheus wasn't satisfied with this thing and he asks for Neo's body back from Machines and when Machines denies this, Morpheus takes action against them, due to which the machines take Morpheus's life inside The Matrix and again stops the exit of peoples outside of The Matrix.

The Story will continue after this which is gonna be explained in the fourth installment of The Matrix.

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The Matrix 4 Ressurections trailer breakdown in detail.


So here's The Matrix 4 trailer breakdown.

The Matrix Universe is a random thing. When this movie was released, it had become the cinematic bible of the whole world, the whole world was crazy about it.

What concept, what action, something as unmatchable as if some revolution has been brought

But well now as The Matrix 4 is about to come. Let's break down the trailer. 

Neo and Trinity are still alive

At the beginning of the trailer, the same story of Red Pill and Blue Pill is seen, but still, the biggest question is how are Neo and Trinity alive.

 So in the opening shot of the trailer, we see an older version of him still alive in the Matrix as Thomas A Anderson who is actually undergoing therapy.

Here's our cyber messiah in the latest version of The Matrix but with only a few faint memories of his past.

In the trailer, we get to see this union of Neo and Trinity in a coffee shop in a short while where both of them are engaged in the same struggle with the question that 'have I seen you anywhere?'

Now here the biggest question is that how Neo and Trinity are still alive?, we saw them dying, the biggest argument that comes out from this is that they have any physical body outside available in their real-life or not and maybe it is also Neo may be sharing his consciousness with an intelligent machine and he may have transferred all his Conscious Ness to the Matrix before he died, but in some shorts of the trailer we get to see Neo's body where he doesn't have eyes, but machines are still making him alive like Superman.

A New Matrix World

Now onwards we see Matrix still looks like a very futuristic and peaceful world and here they have given their green color palette side by side with more emphasis on blue and red.

Now as we know the world of the Matrix that there's a lot of things that are connected and pre-programmed, where everything is happening for some reason. So changing the color palette of the movie is a big deal.

Now as we know that there was a peace treaty that occurred between Mankind and Machines in the original trilogy and Neo and Trinity gave up their lives.

And after that, we get to see a very important short where Neo's face is seen very differently in the mirror which also leads to speculation that Neo and Trinity have hijacked someone else's body like the agents used to do. And further, we see that a police officer's body has been hijacked, which leads to the realization that the Matrix still needs these terminator programs like these agents to keep the peace.

Now we see an even more interesting thing that a person can be brought alive in the real-world pod, here it is not completely confirmed but it may be Trinity.

The machines also know that Neo is a high-value asset and they will need his entire body, not just his brain, to resurge him and so is the title of the Matrix movie The Matrix Resurrection.

New Characters

In the trailer, we get to see many new characters like Neil Patrick Harris who is the therapist of Neo, next we get to see the character of Yahya Abdul Mateen who looks exactly like Young Morpheus, right in the emphasis of the original story. Morpheus gives him the red pill.

Like The Matrix, we get to see the iconic Dojo fight in this too but this time instead of saying 'I know kungfu' Neo says 'you don't know me'.

We can see the character Jessica Henwick in this trailer. Where it is debatable whether she is with Neo or not.

Colour Symbolism of Matrix


After all, when you start paying attention to the color symbolism of this story, you will see that the story turns completely.

Morpheus' avatar dominates Red, he wears red even during Dojo fights, but where Jessica Henwick's character comes in, she always gives Blue an emphasis as a permanent choice represented by her hair. 

Now in the story as we are talking about color symbology, now the color motive of the whole matrix, we get to see in the trailer as if she has kept the color palette of the whole matrix blue, the therapist's glasses are also blue, Morpheus' color selection is red, but unlike this, not much detail has been given about red and blue in the original trilogy of Matrix.

Jonathan Groff's character

So the conclusion is drawn that running away from the Matrix is ​​not a solution because real life is going on inside the Matrix.

Now a little beyond this we also get to see the character of Jonathan Groff, who already knows Matrix, Neo, and keep all the kinds of stuff and information about his past and it is also rumored that he should be the creator of the Matrix, which means that he is a representative architect.

Easter Eggs

But in the teaser itself, we came to know that its mouth is also being closed in the same way as Neo was being tortured with mouth erasing, so it becomes clear that he is a human and also in this trailer we got to see a lot of details and easter eggs from the previous stories. Where again Neo gets to see that black cat emphasis from his original story.

Then comes the most awaited scene of the trailer where Priyanka Chopra who is reading 'Alice in the Wonderland' has an indirect connection to it like she also has some minor information about the Matrix and with this, including its background; The White Rabbit song of 'Jefferson Airplane' is playing and surprisingly Henwick's character hand also has a White Rabbit tattoo which is connected somehow.

Now in a scene of the most interesting question, Why Neo is playing with a plastic duck?

But it can also be a reference to deep computer programming such as rubber duck debugging, where a computer programmer explains his own program line by line in simple terms.

Because as Morpheus said in the first movie itself that the original sense of the Matrix cannot be explained by anyone, which means Neo will have to debug the puzzle of this Matrix in The matrix 4 movie by himself.

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[Spiderman: No Way Home] | 5 Amazing and Awesome fan theories.

5 Amazing and Awesome fan theories for Spiderman: No Way Home.


We fans had been waiting for many months, has finally arrived; Spiderman: No Way Home trailer.

The wonderful collaboration between Sony Pictures and Marvel Studios has just proved how well filmmakers can fulfill the nerdy dreams of Fans, and this is just the beginning, till the time the movie is not released, we will keep getting to know the tremendous and exciting details about Spiderman: No Way Home.

But before getting more excited about this movie, it is also necessary to do a little discussion. This will help us more in understanding this movie and getting excited about this movie.

Like how Peter Parker gets into the multiverse? Will we see Netflix's Daredevil in this movie? Who will be the members of the Sinister Six in the upcoming movie? And why does Doctor Strange look so strange?

So here are some great theories of Spiderman: No Way Home.

Magical Disruption 

The disruption in the trailer was caused by the magical spell of Doctor Strange for Spiderman. Looking at the trailer, it seems that this will be the way to explore the entire multiverse.

But after watching the trailerit isn't digestible that a little disturbing of Spiderman can cause such a big scandal in the multiverse and maybe it could be the aftershock of a very big earthquake.

After all Doctor Strange is a very responsible Sorcerer Supreme who structured Endgame's possibilities out of 14 million possibilities. Then what could be the reason, there may be some theories behind this thing.

First and foremost, it can be the theory that the events of the Loki series and the death of "He Who Remains" have the biggest hand behind it and it is also possible that Sacred Timeline is either branching out or merging with another branch and this ritual from Doctor Strange could be The Nexus Event Of Spiderverse.

Another theory could be that the use of the book Darkhold by Wanda Maximoff's disturbed the multiverse.

The third and last possibility here is that Doctor Strange may have done all this deliberately, in which there may be a condition that either Doctor Strange himself wants to explore the multiverse in search of Timestone and or Doctor Strange is not the real Doctor Strange as it is shown in the trailer. 

Netflix-Marvel Merge

Spectacular preestablished characters like Matt Murdock's Daredevil, Luke Cage, Jessica Jones, Punisher, and Ironfist can comfortably make their way into the MCU without any explanatory expletives.

At the same time, when they come, their explosive villains will also come along. If Matt Murdock is seen here, then it will not be so surprising because the incident of New York has also been mentioned many times inside this series and according to their directors, all the events of this series have already happened before the snap of Thanos.

Sinister Six

Sony entertainment tried to make Spiderman's Sinister Six movie on its own almost twice. Where Sam Ramy's Spiderman 4 was also going to be a Sinister Six movie and Spiderman's reboot movie The Amazing Spiderman's third part was also going to be made a Sinister Six movie.

But on this Sony had to cancel this thing and give its Spiderman to Marvel Studios and now by watching the trailer we feel like here Marvel Studios is giving us finally the Sinister Six movie.

As an example, in this movie we also saw Electro's lightning inside the trailer, we also saw the Green Goblin's Pumpkin Bomb as well as we got a glimpse of Sandman in the trailer and we got to see something locked in the cage whose there's every possibility that he could be the lizard we saw in The Amazing Spiderman 1 movie.

Further, it is possible that we also get to see the Far From Home villain Mysterio because it wasn't clearly defined that he is actually dead. But here the question arises that who can be the sixth villain?
Maybe Vulture and Maybe Scorpion.


Now that so many villains come together, they won't face a single Spiderman bus, so Trap has been speculating for a long time that we will see a multiverse crossover event of the previous Spidermen.

But Marvel Studios and Sony haven't confirmed this thing yet.

The old Spiderman characters Andrew Garfield and Tobey Maguire aren't even openly confirming this thing.

But if we look at the scenes behind the same Spiderman: No Way Home, we've got a lot of hints about Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield being in this movie.

Actors can't reveal anything due to a non-disclosure agreement, but on the other hand, Marvel has a very old habit of deceiving our fans with their trailers, and even Spiderman's actor Tom Holland himself had said that the amount shown in the trailer was just the tip of the iceberg.

Evil Doctor Strange

Now as we know Doctor Strange is a responsible Sorcerer Supreme but in Surprisingly the trailer of Spiderman: No Way Home, we see Doctor Strange acting a bit strange and there are many roomers that this is not Doctor Strange at all.

If we talk about the possibility in this theory, then many people here are considering Doctor Strange as a Mephisto In disguise and there can be some degree of merit in their claim because of the memory wipe ritual that Doctor Strange is doing here.

He is basically taken from the story of Spiderman's One More Day from the comic. But the only problem here is that inside this comic book, the doctor refuses Peter to do this work.

Finally, Mephisto tries to save Peter's Aunt May, but instead, he reveals Peter and Mary Jane's wedding. But if we talk about other possibilities, then it may happen that this Doctor Strange is the Evil Doctor Strange, which we saw in the 'What If ' series.

Overall, we have found Doctor Strange to be a bit strange here, whose possible explanation we can get to see in the movie itself.

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[The Sucide Squad] | Review & Full Breakdown | Easter Eggs & details that you missed

The Suicide Squad, Review & Full Breakdown, Easter Eggs & details that you missed

So guys James Gunn's awesome DC movie 'The Suicide Squad' has been released. Not watched it yet? you are gonna see tremendous action with funny dialogues. 

We are gonna do the full breakdown and review of James Gunn's fresh and new movie; The Suicide Squad.

So spoiler alert here !!

Warner Bros. after harassing almost all the movie directors now gave James Gunn a free hand to utilize Violence and Vituperation, so James Gunn additionally came on his own and he engendered this masterpiece with his tremendous direction and his astonishing music cull; 'The Suicide Squad'.

Unlimited Spoiler Review

So before the release of this movie, it was written in the teasers that "From the horribly beautiful mind of James Gunn" and "They are dying to save the world" and we took it lightly but this movie is actually horribly beautiful.

James Gunn did an awesome task by showing king shark's mind-blowing attack pose, a close-up shot of the Starro the conqueror, and a Ratcatcher's rat attack as normal.

Now talking about the death of the characters, we were shown the total of 14 members of Taskforce X, out of which only five are left, including the post-credit scene and mid-credit scene, the total becomes 7.

This will be the first movie to genuinely have so many paramount comic book characters evanescent like balloons evanescent at a kid's party, and that's what makes this movie more awe-inspiring.

On top of all this, it is quite clear that this was a sequel to the previous Suicide Squad movie, there were three members from the original squad - Harley, Boomerang, and Rickflag and all three knew each other and were also close to each other.

There is a scene where Boomerang looks at Harley and asks her what she is doing back in jail?, as Harley was released from prison by the Joker in the first Suicide Squad movie.

Harley, seeing her relationship with the Joker, tells that she doesn't want to miss any Red flags. This means now she will choose her partner wisely.

On top of all this, from the original squad its only Harley alive in the last, so this movie is indubitably a sequel to the anterior movie, but in the movie, there were only two characters who just came to die.

Let's talk about the rest of the characters. The one thing that is always tremendous in James Gunn's movie is character development and the chemistry between all the characters, even afore the relinquishment of the movie, it was verbally expressed that do not get too affixed to these characters and this additionally turned out to be true.

For example; When John Cena's peacemaker asks for a drink for the rat catcher's rat, he becomes a fan favorite, and As soon as he takes the life of Rick Flag for his country America, that moment he becomes a villain.

The Polkadotman was one of the fans' favorite characters whose backstory was as sad as his current condition where he had to get glowing balls out of his body twice a day and he sees his evil mother everywhere. The moment we start sympathizing with this character, Starro kills it.

Rick Flag is the most ethical and the best person on the team and he gets killed when he wants to do everything well.

Starro only wanted to see the stars flying in space, but the humans catch him and experiment on him for thirty years, but he is also killed in the last.

The little poplus that the king shark meets are very cute, but as soon as they come out of the aquarium, they become the enemy of the king shark's life.

So you can think that the moment you get hooked on a character, that character will either become evil or will die.

This was the main plot of the movie and the plot of the movie was more awesome than the movie-making style you pick up any movie of James Gunn and watch it, you will not see any lack of effects, you won't see any shortage of colors and you will get one or two lovely CGI characters will definitely be seen.

Next, we are shown two Simontaneos events happening at the same time.

First, two different squad recruitment where one squad is going to divert only and the other squad is going on the main mission

In another event, as the squad prepares to destroy Jotunheim, we see the Peacemaker fighting Rick Flag on one side and Harley, Baloodspot, and Polkadot discussing Milton on the other.

Plus the way of showing the text graphic in the movie was very unique, This movie was one of those movies that are truly comic book accurate in which the last graphic text read "Suicide Squad vs Staro The Conqueror".

It Gave Us the Literally Comic Book Front Page Vibe.

On top of all this, some rows of the movie were not so perfect and we're not as awesome as the CGI side of the action sequence of the movie.

The fighting sequences looked a lot weaker as an example when the squad fights the Freedom Fighter save Rick Flag. It seems that the Freedom Fighters are just waiting to be killed. On top of all this, Starro is not such a weak villain, but many rats were dealt with even then.

On top of all this, where Starro's star shape mind control sentient beings were clinging to the other bangs, it is strange that only the people of the squad survived.

So let's talk about easter eggs.

Every Detail You Missed

James Gunn said before the movie's release said that there would also be a secret cameo of Guardians of the Galaxy, and you might have seen it when Task Force X goes to meet the Thinker at the club, there was a dancer. Pom Clementife, the actress who plays Mantis in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2.

As we saw a fictional city Madriporein the Disney Plus series; "The Falcon and the Winter Soldier". Similarly, Corto Maltese is a fictional country in DC Universe

Starro, who was imprisoned in Jotunheim, you might think the name was taken from Marvel but Jotunheim is a Morse cosmology term which means place of giants.

We see the Calendar Man and Double Down making fun of the polka dot man in Belle Reeve prison, and also in the cell section we notice the crazy quilt, the polka dot man told that the powers are the result of his mother's experiment. This story resembles the story of Justice league's Cyborg.

The movie was very comic book accurate in many places; Rick Flag's costume matched his comic book costume.

Instead of showing Harley Quinn as the main character, she was shown as Agent of Chaos, and it was the most accurate Depiction ever of Harley Quinn in her iconic red and black costume. 

Also, Bloodsport was in Belle Reeve for attacking Superman with a Kryptonite bullet, but the real power of Bloodsport was to make weapons out of nowhere, whose most iconic example you'll find in the last.

Mid & Post Credit Scene

In the mid-credits scene of the movie we see the Weasel is alive which we all think has drowned at the beginning of the mission, so the people who bet on the weasel have lost, and in the post-credits scene, We see the Peacemaker which we'll get to see in the upcoming HBO Max series.

Future of DCEU

Looking at this movie, one thing is clear that whatever Warner Bros. did here, they will have to continue doing it in all their upcoming projects and the rest of the next four to five DC movies will really be something else.

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[Top 10] Movies | Most famous mind blending movies to watch

Most Mind Blending Movies To Watch

Movies are known for their stories, direction, and emotions attached to their viewers. Mind Blending Movies are the epitome of cinematic perfection. Only true cinema lovers can find the hardships behind making movies. Below are some cinematic masterpieces by well-known directors which took a long effort to reach perfection and are worth watching. Most mind blending movies to watch.


Cristopher Nolan's one of the finest works; Momento is the perfect brain exerciser. Momento is one of the brilliant mind-twisting movies because of its screenplay and editing.

Starring Guy Pearce and Carrie-Anne Moss; Momento is a thriller drama, movie's protagonist who's suffering short-term memory loss and trying to sort out things of his wife's murder.

Undoubtedly, Momento's most unique thriller uses reverse chronology so perfectly that it forces us to challenge our neural ability.   


Predestination starring Ethan Hawke is a mind-bending time travel thriller movie, which you have to watch twice to get its concept. 

A veteran time traveler agent gets a contract to stop the bomb attack back in the time of the year 1975, but the twist and turns come in such a way that can't be explained at an instance.

Hence conclusively; Predestination is an intelligent masterpiece that brilliantly depicts its original, creative, imaginative aspects. 

The movie's breathtaking cast, especially Ethan Hawke and Sarah Snook, will leave you to enjoy your own experience.

Vanilla Sky(2001)

Starring Tom Cruise; Vanilla Sky is a story of an American man in his mid 30's handling his late father's magazine company and living a playboy life consisting of love, comedy, suspense, and sex. 

But everything suddenly changes his life when his face gets vandalize in a horrendous car accident.

The movie suddenly changes its narration genre from romance to thriller, enough to stick our eyes on the screen. It definitely plays with your brain so that you have to watch more than one time and its narration will keep you the part of discussions of this brilliant masterpiece.


Interstellar is a very aspiring movie that showcases the approach of the unapproachable things of mankind.

Nolan's space thriller sci-fi is hailed as one of the best depictions of future possibilities for humans and humanity. 

An Ex-NASA scientist and a farmer named Joseph Cooper are hired by NASA for the search of a new habitable planet for humans. 

Cooper leaving his family, joins the mission to discover the unapproachable destination in the infinite universe. This decision takes him on a breathtaking journey that is simultaneously influencing his past, present, and future. 

Shutter Island(2010)

Shutter Island movie based on the novel of the same name is a great movie with exaggerating plot.

DiCaprio's first mind blender of 2010 before inception rolls up like a mystery, thriller. 
Two central characters named Teddy and Chuck goes on a mission to investigate the disappearance of a patient from a mental hospital situated on Shutter Island in Boston Harbor.

Director Scorsese's second highest-grossing movie, exhilarating and of the undefined genre; Shutter Island is a perfect and ideal mind blending movie which stands out beyond viewers' expectations.   

The Prestige(2006)

The Prestige directed by Christopher Nolan is a magical movie by name and by its plot, story, and cast.

Two friend magicians, after a horrendous tragedy, become extreme rivalries for life and competitors as magicians. 

The hook and crooks of the two to take each other down takes them on a fameful journey but leads to terrible experiences behind the stage. The Prestige a fine work of  Nolan is a very convincing movie that overwhelms you till the end. However, failed to get any Oscar but still, The Prestige got appreciation among the audience.  

Black Swan(2010)

Nina a ballerina lives with her retired mom, living life in her own small world where she wants to remain on the top of the ballet. 

Nina finds a rival Lily with a twisted friendship, both expanding their rivalry playing the roles of White and Black Swan respectively. But this rival journey leads to expand the dark side of Nina and her dark madness.

Black Swan is a movie of perfection giving a dark atmosphere to its viewers which makes a realm beyond expectation about the dark side of human behavior at its edge. 

Fight Club(1999)

Fight Club released in 1999, is a suspense thriller movie that blows your mind at its end, and you'll still question "What was its story?".


Fight Club follows the story of an urban insomniac guy who finds a soap salesman named Tyler without any peace in his life. Both together starts an underground fight club adding up numerous clubmates.

But the unexpected and messy turn comes at the end, rolling our minds. Fight Club is a gorgeous movie showing the desperation of a young man, finding life's meaning beyond cubicle walls.


Another gift from the director Nolan's out-of-the-box ideas; Inception is a real gem portraying an extremely fresh and brilliant idea of dream-sharing which Nolan's executed in a very ideal and breathtaking way. 

Inception is a fast-paced movie, where Dom Cobb(Leonardo DiCaprio) extracts peoples' secrets by entering their dreams through his rare ability to enter anyone's dream called Inception.

Saito a business giant gives Cobb his last job to perform an inception on his rivalry's son through which Cobb's all criminal records would be wiped out as promised by Saito.


Tenet; the most ambitious and the newest masterworks of Cristopher Nolan is an extreme mind-twisting movie that crosses every level of mind-bending movies.

However, Tenet was criticized for its over confusing storyline but lovers of Nolan's nonlinear patterned movies; Tenet is worth watching to juggle your mind in a new concept called Time Inversion.

John David Washington as the protagonist, a CIA agent was hired to stop the future humans who achieved inversion and trying to influence the past for the search of some algorithm that can invert the whole world.

In this time inversion journey, the protagonist with the help of the character "Neil" completes this mission.

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Who is Kang the Conqueror? | Comic origin explained

The most anticipated reprobate of MCU is now revealed in the final episode of the Loki series. Who is Kang the Conqueror?

In the final episode of the Loki series, we got a glimpse of Kang the Conqueror. But don't be confused with "He Who Remains". "He Who Remains" is a variant of "Kang the Conqueror".

So after Loki Series, Kang The Conqueror is in the hype and officially it is substantiated that we will see Kang The Conqueror in Antman and the Wasp: Quantumania. But the question comes here; Who's this guy and why he is so famous? 

So let's uncover the comic origin of Kang The Conqueror.

Comic Origin of Kang the Conqueror

In Comics, the story of Kang is very involute, including time travel, multiple timelines, and multiple Kang variants. But don't worry I'll expound everything in a very simple and short way so that you can get its fundamental conception.

So Kang's story starts nine hundred years later, i.e. in the 30th century, where it was designated Nathaniel Richards, now even by the denomination, you must be kenning that it is not anyone else but the scion of Rid Richards of the Fantastic Four.

But there have withal been some such incidents in the comics, which makes it seem that it may also be the descendant of Doctor Doom, but it is not all clear yet and this is not only for you people but additionally, Kang himself does not ken this and due to lack of pellucidity.

Kang commenced researching his past and commenced researching his Richards denomination and he came to know about Superhero ancestors Fantastic Four of earth 616as well as Doctor Doom, during he also found a Forsook Fort which belonged to one of his ancestors and he also found a Time Machine which he repaired and traveled directly to Ancient Egypt.

That Nathaniel transmuted his identity, captured all of Egypt, and became the incipient pharaoh of Egypt, Rama tut.

He was like a deity to his people, but after some time he realized that this time there is additionally a mutant named En Sabah Nur who will later become Apocalypse.

So he also endeavored to do something to bring  En Sabah Nur with him because he was just a child but before all this Fantastic Four reached their by time traveling and Rama tut lost to them.

If you don't ken, let me tell you that Nathaniel Richards does not have any superpower, he remains technology-dependent on his future, so it was conspicuous that he would lose to superheroes like Fantastic Four.

And of course, keep in mind that he hasn't become Kang the conqueror yet.

After losing, Nathaniel endeavors to peregrinate to his 38th century with a time machine but this time machine is not that perfect and due to Time Storm, he comes into the current Timeline where.

Where he meets Doctor Doom, they both have a long, broad conversation, and inspired by all this, he takes on a new form as Scarlet Centurion.

Even in this current time, he loses lamentably to the Avengers and endeavors to go in his time. But this time he went in the 40th century, which means a thousand years ahead of his original time.

But when he comes to Era, he sees that the whole earth is engaged in war and that too with such weapons which are not of present time but of the past and they don't know how to deal with these old technologies' weapons in the 40th century.

Because Nathaniels emanated from the past, he kens about these technologies. He upgraded himself by utilizing these weapons and technology, made an incipient armor, and surmount the 40th-century earth and this is where he takes the identity of Kang the conqueror.

Even after this, he did not stop and capitalizing on the time travel, in the same way, he surmounted the whole galaxy.

But as simple as I have told this story, in fact, it is not that simple but it is much more intricate.

The story after this has so much timescale that Kang is also called the master of time and due to so much time travel, he has many versions too.

Once Kang is defeated by the Avengers, he travels to the past to tell his younger self about how he will become Kang in the future. 

Kang also gives Nathaniel a NeuroKinetic Armor in the hope that he can reach his destination earlier and take the designation of Kang as expeditiously as possible, but Puerile Nathaniel, seeing his own future, commences execrating himself and attacks Kang. After that, he eludes by time travel and takes the designation of Iron lad in the future, not the title of Kang.

So by now, you must have come to ken that Kang's main power is time travel and as I verbally expressed earlier, it does not have any superpowers but has access to future technologies and weapons.

His armor was plenary of homogeneous technologies and their not a separate machine to travel time, but everything is in its armor and since these all technologies belong to the future, so today's superheroes cannot stand in front of it.